“It is only when the elephant has been attacked or wounded, that he becomes a dangerous enemy.†(from, The Bush Boys, by Captain Mayne Reid, [1856])
There is much talk in the press of checks and balances, and of the President’s expressed offer to cooperate with the victors in the election. Kiwi has suggested that one good test of this would be for the congress to pass legislation calling for an increased commitment to stem cell research. Then see if he vetoes it.
But the most worrisome part of the current situation is foreign policy. While there is a lot of talk about Baker-Hamilton dragging the president out of his fog of denial in Iraq, this President is a man who has commented that God chose him for the job and who is, by all reports, stubbornly committed to a foreign policy aimed at proving how big and strong we are. This in spite of significant evidence that however big and strong we are it is not big and strong enough to handle Iraq, let along North Korea and Iran – short of using the very big and strong weapons. But like that wounded elephant he has not much to lose now and if he chooses to bomb Iran – well, let the next guy (or gal) pick up whatever pieces are left.
We have had six years of the President telling us to be very, very scared. Well, OK – now I am – well – at least worried.