As the UK slowly sinks in the west with no flags flying -would somebody ;il Terry-Thomas or Peter Sellers please send them a samurai sword it is time to turn our attention to its staggering opponent – the European Union. There was a time not so long ago when the core players in this game of thrones – the Central European musclemen Germany, France and the others were crowing about their future as a United States of Europe.
There’s little of that illusion left any more as the Brits apparently might be serious about sacrificing Ireland yet again and leaving the European chaps to the awful fate of doing without them. There’s actually very little of that anymore either a seem to have sort of decided to leave with no idea of what they might t do themselves afterwards. To show just how much the EU will miss the Brexit boys, the head honcho of the EU, Donald Tusk of Poland consigned them to Dante’ seventh circle of hell. Dem’s fighting words but there was little counter offensive from the robotically-challenged British political upper upper class.